Folders API

Here you can work with folders found by Log Viewer.

List all folders

GET {logViewer}/api/folders

Get a list of all folders, including their files, found by Log Viewer.

Delete a folder

DELETE {logViewer}/api/folders/{folder.identifier}

Delete all files inside the given folder. You can find the folder.identifier by looking up the available folders from the List all folders route.

Download a folder

GET {logViewer}/api/folders/{folder.identifier}/download

Download a .zip file of the folder containing the log files inside. You can find the folder.identifier by looking up the available folders from the List all folders route.

Clear the cache of all files inside a folder

POST {logViewer}/api/folders/{folder.identifier}/clear-cache

Clear the cache for all the log files found inside the folder. You can find the folder.identifier by looking up the available folders from the List all folders route.


If you have any questions, feedback, or need any help setting up Log Viewer within your project, feel free to reach out via GitHub Discussions or GitHub Issues .